Tutoring sessions is a program package designed much like a classroom setting, but the difference is that you are outside during your lesson. In this program, you will have a weekly one hour session at Precision K-9 Plus. This will be an on-leash session in a controlled, sterile environment. Much like the Home School program, most of the teaching falls on to your shoulders, but we will teach you to teach your pet. You will be taught the techniques to continue practicing and teaching the family and your pet during the week until the next session. These commands include:
Because dog training is not an entertaining activity for most, you will need to harness your patience when practicing at home. Just like children, some dogs’ personalities have a stubborn streak in them and this stubbornness may test your patience to the max. That is to be expected. Do not lose hope though, you nor is your dog to blame. Precision has the experience to read your dogs’ physical reactions; most owners do not have that knowledge.
Dogs will tattle on you and how much you have practiced. The more you put into it the better your dog will become and the farther their education will go. Do not worry if you or your dog makes mistakes. This is a natural progression in training and mistakes will happen, just do not get discouraged, that is why you have made the decision to train with Precision!